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Все публикации пользователя Neveov

  1. Neveov

    Ued2 hack meshes

    Thank you for letting me know. Do you have any idea why the meshes, though converted, appear only roughly the shape they are supposed to be? The worst is "handryer" which turns into a jagged cone in the Ued2 display. The meshes are discernable enough for me to tell where they are placed, so it's not a huge problem. Perhaps it is just the garbage data.
  2. Neveov

    Ued2 hack meshes

    I actually managed to get the models to convert enough to see them in the editor, but they still appear messy. However, it is much better than a floating disc of triangles. The way I did this, was I compiled them into a DeusEx package, and then I extracted the models using WOTGreal, I think, and then I converted them. Even though they appear somewhat coherent in general shape, in the editor, they are still jumbled and broken. It is a minor inconvenience by comparison, but thank you. :)
  3. Neveov


    Veronika, you are way too awesome. I had some problems with the elevator not working, and this has fixed it. Thanks again.
  4. Neveov


    The Ued2 hack has a special carone elevator that has a button called "CEButton", but the latest version of CaroneElevator doesn't support it. What version of Carone's elevator are you using and can you share it? Хак Ued2 имеет специальный лифт, который Кароне кнопку под названием "CEButton", но последняя версия CaroneElevator не поддерживает его. Какую версию лифт Кароне это вы используете и можете ли вы поделиться? Thank you :)
  5. Neveov

    Ued2 hack meshes

    does anyone have any clue why "endemia's" meshes are not converting? http://www.planetdeusex.com/endemia/models_3.html
  6. Neveov

    Ued2 hack meshes

    Thank you so much Veronika, for showing me how to do all of that. Just a joke: I'm curious what the Skeleton_Female is supposed to look like. :P
  7. Neveov

    Ued2 hack meshes

    Yes, Veronika! I've been searching for you. I'm a little bit confused. I do not see a ucc.exe in the ued2 directory. Can you send it to my email at neveos@live.com? And how exactly does that work? Is there an "editpackages" list somewhere in the Ued2 .ini files that I can list the package I want to use to load the unreal meshes? They must be the same name, and contain the same name for the classes right? Does it look for the folders to be packaged in the DeusEx directory like the normal ucc.exe? That would mean that I do the following steps?: 1.) Replace the DX format meshes located in the models folders of my packages with the deconverted unreal format models? 2.) Add a line to an Unreal.ini file somewhere in Ued2 folder? 3.) Use a .cmd file to run "ucc make" from within "DeusEx\Ued2"? 4.) That will create the same named package in Ued2?
  8. Neveov

    Ued2 hack meshes

    I only know English, so I'll post it in Google's Russian, and in English just in case: "Я использую Ued2 взломать Вероники для DX, и я заметил, что она была в состоянии отображать Deus Ex сетки в редакторе с помощью пакета, который загружает различные модели, чем пакеты игре используется. Я предполагал, эти сетки не были преобразованы (deconverted) из формата DX. Другими словами, Ued2 отображает стандартный нереальным штраф формате. Но я не знаю, как де-преобразования пользовательских сетки, которые уже были преобразованы в формат Deus Ex. Как-то Вероника была в состоянии сделать это, и хотя я считаю, мне удалось сделать это, используя "u2de3d.exe" программы, сетки-прежнему появляться запутанными и грязный в редакторе, хотя пакет я использую загружаете Unreal формате. Так, может кто-то пожалуйста, скажите мне, как я могу получить сетки для правильного отображения в редакторе? Может быть, кто знает, как Вероника была в состоянии сделать это? Как только я в состоянии сделать это, я не понадобится первый редактор для любых других целей, чем строительство путей. Спасибо." "I'm using Veronika's Ued2 hack for DX and I noticed that she was able to display Deus Ex meshes in the editor using a package which loads different models than the packages the game uses. I assumed these meshes were not converted (deconverted) from the DX format. In other words, Ued2 displays the standard unreal format fine. But I do not know how to de-convert the custom meshes that have already been converted into the Deus Ex format. Somehow veronika has been able to do this, and even though I believe I managed to do this using the "u2de3d.exe" program, the meshes still appear jumbled and messy in the editor even though the package I'm using are loading the Unreal format. So, could someone please tell me how I can get meshes to display properly in the editor? Perhaps someone knows how Veronika was able to do this? Once I am able to do this, I will not need the first editor for anything other than building paths. Thank you." - по-видимому, Google сосет переводе с английского на русский
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