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Все публикации пользователя Denton
Kronos, мне повторить свой верхний коммент? (= А вообще даже на торрентах не видел. Только под писишку есть дистриб. Под маки и линухи не видел.
Нереализованные возможности (моменты)
Denton ответил в тему пользователя Ragnar в Техническая поддержка
Ragnar, линки твои не работают. Чрезвычайно интересное описание получилось. Сделай, плиз, вместо ссылок полный законченный обзор - я его в статьи на сайте выложу. -
Да ладно, что может быть лучше зрелищности обсуждения киберпанка умными людьми. Это же сколько разных мнений и точек зрения! Хоть они и не втыкают в тему, зато какой высоко-интеллектуальный язык! ((=
Что именно тебе не понятно? Про числа я уже давным-давно отписался: https://planetdeusex.ru/dx/illuminati/ А если непонятно что-то другое в его словах - то прошу - в студию.
Немного запоздалый перевод самого первого интервью со Стэфаном. В нём он описывает принципы формирования новой команды в новом офисе в новой обстановке нового времени... https://planetdeusex.ru/dx/montreal_studio/ Огромное спасибо переводчику за работу над текстом.
На форумах сайта deusex3.com объявился админ и напомнил о существовании эидосовского форума, который они малость преукрасили судя по цветовой гамме и хэдеру. http://forums.eidosgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=252
Во второй половине игры я уже не вчитываюсь в названия ключей, во-первых ибо потому что их принадлежность согласно названию фиг распознаешь, во-вторых ибо удобная штука кей-ринг: неважно когда, где и какие именно ты подобрал ключи - она всё держит в памяти и откроет дверь, если ключ ранее был подобран. Посему можно не париться. Но с другой стороны Ragnar откопал очень интересный момент недоработки. И каждый такой момент подстать конспирологической концепции игры, т.н. "тайна создания Deus Ex" :mrgreen: Ragnar, ещё пара таких дискаверов, тьфу, обнаружений и можно заносить в полноценную статью. Ибо интересно. Между прочим, Харви Смит, когда оправдывался за провал недавно вышедшей BlackSite: Area 51 заявил, что игра Deus Ex только тестировалась целых пол-года перед релизом, (это были его последние слова в качестве сотрудника Midway Studios, ибо после них его уволили). Вобщем всё-равно недотестировали (=
Азимо, вопреки слухам о своей безвременной кончине, всё это время совершенствовался функционально: http://www.membrana.ru/lenta/index.html?7874 http://world.honda.com/HDTV/ASIMO/200712-c...ated-operation/ http://world.honda.com/HDTV/ASIMO/200712-avoiding-ASIMO/ http://world.honda.com/HDTV/ASIMO/200712-a...ield/index.html (а если там будет несколько человек?? Причём один позади и один сбоку, куда отступает робот...) http://world.honda.com/HDTV/ASIMO/200712-charger-connect/ (чарджер могли бы уже давно сделать беспроводным, благо технологии позволяют)
Откуда свалился-то, камрад?
Ну, я не удивлюсь, если Эидос будет инициатором возобновления работ над фильмом для студии коламбия пикчерз. Ибо сейчас модно релизить в одно и тоже время игру/фильм/книгу. Баблооо... Фильм, в таком случае, будет конечно же проходным и посредственным.
Перевод интервью, посвященного Deus Ex 3, с сайта 1UP.com представлен вашему вниманию https://planetdeusex.ru/dx/dx3_interview_by1up/
Читаем наш блог
давайте дождёмся середины 2008 (по словам директора студии), когда нам расскажут о сюжете и обо всём остальном. Если кто внимательно следил за последними событиями, тот мог увидеть, что в первом тизере была надпись на коробке "biopolitic vote 2027", но этот ролик быстро заменили высококачественным, где год 2027 был успешно убран из текста. Не ожидали пиарщики, что фанаты окажутся такими дотошными :!:
С этим вопросом, на сколько я знаю, только к камраду wild.child'у нужно обращаться. Ибо он прожжёный макосовец (=
Исправил и добавил. Всем спасибо (= Только я бы её не засчитывал, ибо этой канистры в игре на самом деле нет.
Дык, скриншот в студию. Давайте уж по-взрослому, ребята (=
По слухам (линк) некий Thierry Doizon будет работать над скетчами и вырисовывать арты к игре У него есть свой сайт, где он опубликовал некоторые из своих работ http://www.barontieri.com/
Max2k разобрал тизер по кадрам. качаем одним паком тут (12Мб) А тут представлено короткое видео описание: http://ru.youtube.com/watch?v=fkXCE8CkNZU
Ну, это мы читали и это слишком кратко. А нас интересуют-таки подробности! (=
Это какая такая 20-я? Простите, ветку не читал, не понимаю о какой 20 канистре идёт речь... (=
Пока не встречал подобной инфы. Нужно прочитать/перевести интервью с комментами, тогда может, будет какая-то зацепка.
Но почему именно 2027!
Вот, очень неплохой комментарий с описанием трейлера и некоторых высказываний от разработчиков http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/?p=661 А ниже читаем интервью от сайта 1up.com: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3164708 (Опять же обращаюсь к общественности - если кто-то возьмётся за перевод, сообщите сюда плизз. Я помогу, но нужен перевод основного текста. Конечно же статей и обмусоливаний будет ещё n-количество, так что думаем о перспективе ((= ) What's the Deal with Deus Ex 3? Find out what the Eidos Montreal team think of Invisible War. By Philip Kollar, 12/03/2007 Eidos Montreal general manager Stephane D'Astous proves himself a true Canadian in the first moments of our conversation. Before we can get to the subject at hand -- last week's anticipated announcement of Deus Ex 3 -- he almost laboriously turns the conversation to the weather. "We haven't got so much wind," he says, "but it's pretty damp. It gets through the clothes and to the bone." Soon cold will be the least of D'Astous's worries; his team at the newly-formed Eidos Montreal studio has been given the opportunity to create the next chapter in a much-loved and very divisive franchise. Naturally, forums exploded to this announcement with a healthy mix of excitement and skepticism. A brand new studio taking on a series that had already been mishandled once before? D'Astous agreed to speak with 1UP about how this happened and Eidos Montreal's plans for Deus Ex 3. 1UP: Let's start with the obvious question. Confirmation of Deus Ex 3 was really big news for a lot of gamers, but the press release didn't mention one fairly important thing: platforms that the game will be appearing on. Are you guys ready to talk about that? Can you at least tell us if the game will appear on consoles or PC or both? Stephane D'Astous: Well, we did that on purpose, because we wanted to tease. I think we've successfully done that if we look at the forums and all the websites. What I can say is that our business plan here in Montreal, which was announced back in February of this year, basically we said that we are going to work only on triple A major titles and only on next-gen technology and PC. We're also going to have smaller development teams of 80 members at the peak, but by achieving that we need to give the dev teams at least a 24-month period of production. If you read between the lines, I cannot say exactly which are the platforms that we'll be working on specifically. It's going to be announced in maybe early 2008 or maybe summer. But we're not working on current or last gen, it's next-gen and PC. 1UP: Both of the previous Deus Ex games had a sort of public mouthpiece behind the vision that the games had. For the original it was Warren Spector and with Invisible War it was Harvey Smith, both of whom have moved onto new companies now. With Deus Ex 3, would that position be filled by you or someone else at the new Montreal studio? Or is that an approach you guys are moving away from altogether? D'Astous: It's pretty much your option C. It's going to be a team effort. We must remember that Eidos really owns the IP. Obviously it came from the ideas of Mr. Spector, but I think we have very knowledgeable people in the UK. [Eidos product director] Ian Livingstone knows the whole story behind Deus Ex; he was even a writer if I'm not mistaken. He's been helping us out from a distance. But we've done our homework. We're a studio where big egos are not really welcome. It's really a team effort, and we have a very experienced team. People that we've hired were truly enthused by the first Deus Ex. They know the game by heart. They know what worked and what didn't work. I think the proof that we've done our homework is that our proof of concept was accepted five or six weeks ago on its first pass even with the expectations from the UK set very high. The guys here really worked very hard, and we passed with flying colors. We're very eager to show all the fans more stuff, but each thing has its timing. We wanted to do the first teaser video, which was done in record time, but we knew we needed to show something. I think it gives a little bit of the look and feel of where we're going. We obviously don't want to show everything in the first teaser, but there's a lot more where that came from. 1UP: Does the Montreal team have any developers who worked on either of the previous games? D'Astous: From Ion Storm? Nope. Our team here is basically several people who've worked on triple A titles, but no one from Ion Storm. 1UP: Going back to Warren Spector for a minute, then, if you don't mind -- obviously, as you said, Spector was extremely important to the development of the original game and he also oversaw some aspects of Invisible War. As recently as a year ago he was quoted as saying that he'd love to return to the franchise at some point. He's got his own studio now (Junction Point Studios) and is doing his own thing, but have you been in touch with him at all or do you expect to be? Even just as far as going to him for advice? D'Astous: What I can say is that we spoke to Warren -- several people from Eidos did. Very often in life, it's a question of timing. As you mentioned, he has his own studio now that was pretty much bought up by Disney, and he's also working on personal projects. There was a lot of interest on both sides, but at the end of the day it's a question of timing. That's really all I can say. 1UP: Deus Ex has a sizable fan base, and you pointed to the forum reactions toward this announcement as proof of that. But many critics and gamers were left disappointed with Invisible War. What strengths and weaknesses from the previous games are you trying to emulate or maybe overcome with the new title? D'Astous: Without going into specifics, what we've done the past several months with both games is read a lot of archives about how it was perceived. There's obvious features that we definitely want to continue. I think the dialogue, choice versus consequences, the depth and richness of the game is something that we will certainly conserve. There are other more specific features that we want to keep. Everyone knows what worked well on the first one and what the second one tried, but now we're five years later, even seven years later from the first Deus Ex. I think we have the possibility to have a fresh look. I think the franchise is at a turning point in its life where new blood will be good, but also respect for the history of that great franchise. With the new technology available now, we really want to give a second wind to this franchise. Games don't last forever. Deus Ex came out in 2000, seven years ago. If we wait any longer, I don't think that's a good thing, but we don't want to rush production either. That's why we're working on a schedule that we're trying to respect as much as possible, but definitely the game will not be published until it has obtained a certain level of quality according to us. 1UP: A huge part of the appeal of the Deus Ex franchise has always been the story. In his article on Deus Ex 3's announcement, 1UP writer Mark Whiting pointed out that "it's often been said the original Deus Ex could (or would) never have been made in post 9/11 America." Given the controversy of the plot in Deus Ex, can we still expect that level of conspiracy and shadowy government activity to remain a focus of the new game? D'Astous: Conspiracy is something that's really intriguing when it's well-done. Conspiracy stories don't hold the road when they aren't well-developed. The success of the first game lies in that it was very well-done. The storyline was well-built. We're going to be working hard to have a solid and in-depth storyline that will give players the chance to replay.The replayability is also very important. At Eidos we'd like to think that our games are very character-driven. We need strong characters and strong stories. So one of the factors that's very important to us is the game's stamina, its replayability. This will come naturally if we do our homework, and we're driven and motivated to do that. A conspiracy story is definitely an option for us to do. 1UP: I'm sure you can't get into any story specifics yet, but overall are you looking at Deus Ex 3 to be a continuation of the stories being told in the previous games-- D'Astous: [laughs] 1UP: --or do you want to do a fresh start in the same world? D'Astous: I'm very sorry, but I cannot answer that. We have something that will please the fans that are loyal to the franchise. We'll do everything to respect their following. We're also going to try to bring in some new blood to keep a well-balanced interest in the game. I cannot say when and where the story actually takes place. That's a little too much information for now. Next year we'll be announcing all of that. I invite all the fans that are interested to participate on our forums. My producer and I wanted to get the forum activated at the start of pre-production, right now, not at the end of the game. We don't just want to see the reaction once the game's released. We have the forum up for pre-production so that the people that want to have accessibility to the developers have a chance to speak, to exchange with us directly. This forum is read by the whole team. It's not something that's not used. Every day I take at least 15 minutes to go through the discussions to see what's on the minds of the people we're making the game for. 1UP: That seems like something fans would get into. D'Astous: We're trying to get everything in place to make sure that people -- well, when we speak about Deus Ex, obviously there's some passion. And passionate people sometimes get protective. We understand that the reactions are very strong. We expect all that and anticipate all kinds of reactions. We're very honored to be mandated to do the next Deus Ex. I just want the fans to know we'll be working very hard. We'll listen to them. 1UP: In your list of things that the new Eidos Montreal studio is all about, one of the things you focused on is long production cycles. The press release for Deus Ex 3 also mentioned that you're still planning to hire new people for the team all the way into 2009. Given these statements, we should probably expect a long wait before we see footage or hands-on previews for Deus Ex 3, huh? D'Astous: We're working with the PR department to make sure that we time releases of trailers and information in coordination with the production cycle. I would like to say that by summer next year we'll have a couple of big things to show. It wouldn't be in our favor to wait until 2009 or whatever to show something. We're confident in what we're doing, so we'll definitely want to release some content eventually. So fans shouldn't despair, I'd expect more information on what we're doing next summer. 1UP: And as far as a release time frame, you're not estimating until at least into 2009? D'Astous: Again this information will be more precise in the next press release, but if you understand our studio philosophy of having a 24-month production cycle, that gives you an idea of where we want to go. I fought for having a minimum of 24 months for pre-production and production, excluding conception, which can go quite a long time. Since we successfully passed this gate, we want to have a minimum of 24 months to do our job. 1UP: Blacksite: Area 51 is another recent game that was a franchise revival of sorts, although not nearly as anticipated as Deus Ex, but Deus Ex: Invisible War developer Harvey Smith was also a lead designer on Blacksite. That game got some pretty average review scores. A couple of days ago Harvey Smith gave a presentation where he said that the project was "so f***ed up" and discussed a lot of the problems they had with development including a lot of trouble from the publisher. How do you guys plan to avoid these same issues? D'Astous: It's funny, because Harvey actually gave that speech at the Montreal International Game Summit this week, and some of my staff exchanged a bit with him at the convention center. We're aware of what you've just said. I think the publisher of Blacksite is maybe in a different situation than us. It's a priority for Eidos to give second wind to a couple of IPs that have been on ice for a couple of years. We have a tradition of high-quality games, and the games that we're working on will find merit in having a minimum duration for production. Eidos Montreal is very transparent. We're anti-bulls***. Our production team right now is 35 or 40 guys, and I said to them, "we're working for this type of date. I won't come back in three months or six months to say I'm taking off three months or giving you three months more. Don't expect more time or less time." We're truly sticking to our guns, and we're comfortable with our business plan for the studio and for Deus Ex 3. My producer and I are product management-driven. We don't like to force bad surprises on our studio. We're very much in touch with people that need to be creative, but we also need a certain frame that people can work within, so we've put everything on the table for our staff. They know they need to come up with a great game by this date. So there's no bulls***. 1UP: That will make a great headline. "Eidos Montreal: No Bulls***." D'Astous: And just one more example of how we're trying to be transparent: this Saturday in Montreal, we're opening our doors to do an Open House. We're inviting the public, the families of the employees, and even the competition to come walk through our studios and see what we're all about. In the future, if there are some fans that would like to come down to Montreal for whatever reason and go through our studio, it would be our pleasure to organize something. We really want to work closely, not behind closed doors.
В нете можно найти интересные факты, описания первого трейлера для третьей части игры http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=...oldid=174275723 Трейлер начинается со слов: "В течении многих веков человек пытался понять свою истинную природу Что же делает наст теми, кто мы есть сейчас Скоро, один ответ перечеркнет все остальные" потом появляется лого с другими, не менее загадочными фразами: "Кто мы — всего лишь камень преткновения перед тем, кем мы можем стать." Данные фразы имеют двойственный смысл. Человечество наконец-то получило возможность обходить основные этапы эволюции и увеличивать свой потенциал. Именно данная тема затрагивалась в обоих частях Deus Ex. Что ж, уже не все потеряно, основная идея сохранилась. Если вспомнить концовку первой части, то именно там было слияние машины и человека, что впоследствии привело к становлению постчеловеческого гибрида с AI. Deus Ex происходит от понятия Deus ex Machina буквально, то есть Бог из Машины. На протяжении всего ролика в определенные моменты мелькают различные картинки, котрые являются 25-м кадром. Просто так мы их не заметим и с нами ничего не будет, но вот информация, которую они несут — бесценна, т.к. она вся связана с игрой. На данный момент, удалось расшифровать лишь некоторые из них, вот что они означают: Рисунок Леонардо Да Винчи с изображенными золотыми сечениями человеческой головы Диаграмма логарифмической золотой спирали, фактор роста которой связан с φ? Рисунок золотого треугольника и вписанной в нем золотой функции Урок анатомии доктора Николаеса за авторством Рембрандта Детали увеличения Изображение рентгена человеческой груди 2 USG изображения биомодифицированного зародыша Изображение рентгена человеческого черепа Изображение пары, с девушкой имеющей механическую руку Протезы в коробке Урна для избирательных бюлетеней для голосовая "За биополитику 2027 года". В урну вставляется карточка с красным знаком "Х" Вывеска говорящая "модифицированные люди подходят сзади" Еще одна вывеска говорящая "Мы не приветствуем здесь модифицированных людей" Размытое изображение улицы с демонстрантами Фотография полиции по охране общественного порядка Римские числа III, IV, V и VI, возможно это ссылка на декалог Строчная итальянская буква 'h' и плюс признак в скобках, символ, используемый для трансчеловечества. На теле наноэмбриона были обнаружены надписи "HUMANI CORPORIS FABRICA" и татуировка "EMILE". Первая является отсылкой к семитомному трактату XVI века "De Humani Corporis Fabrica" — "На ткани человеческого тела", которая рассказывала об анатомии человеческого тела, а "EMILE" — к работе француза Жана Жака Руссо "Emile, or On education" ("Эмиль, или О воспитании") — книге XIIX века, посвященной воспитанию детей и рассказывающей о политических и философских вопросах отношений частного человека и общества, в частности, как индивид может сохранить естественную доброту в неизбежно разлагающемся обществе, что так же являлась одной из тем Deus Ex. Работы Да Винчи о человеческом теле и голосование за биополитику наталкивают на многие мысли. Во первых дата — 2027 год, судя по всему игра будет приквелом ко всей серии, т.к. события первой части разворачиваются в 2053 году. Вполне возможно, что именно в это время люди начали активно улучшать свое тело, что в последствии привело к кризису. Судя по всему идеи расизма начали распространяться и на "модифицированных" людей. Работы Леонардо Да Винчи отлично бы вписались в эту идею. Новая студия Eidos в Монреале тоже подает надежды. На данный момент штаб сотрудников составляет 80 человек, но в последующие несколько лет он будет расширен до 350 работников. По словам Eidos подобные меры направлены исключительно на увеличение качества продукта. По заверениям разработчиков многие из них являются фанатами оригинального Deus Ex и они намерены сделать третью часть в духе первой. Подход серьезный, можно надеяться на лучшее. Если у кого-то есть желание и время — сделайте красивые, качественные скриншоты всех перечисленных кадров. Думаю, будет полезно, ибо ролик очень много несёт в себе содержательной части. Хотелось бы визуализировать. Зы: не очень понятно, почему выбран 2027 год. Настораживает...
Ещё парочка слов http://pc.ign.com/articles/839/839064p1.html Eidos Montreal Talks Deus Ex 3 Using Crystal Dynamics's Tomb Raider engine. Just don't expect the game to arrive any time soon. by Martin Robinson, IGN UK UK, December 3, 2007 - Following the official opening of Eidos's new Montreal office, studio head Stephane D'Astous has spoken out about its first project, the long-awaited Deus Ex 3. Talking to Develop, D'Astous set out his vision for the third instalment in the critically revered series, and acknowledged the weight of anticipation surrounding the game, noting, "Our first challenge is a major one in Deus Ex [...] All the developers working on Deus Ex 3 pretty much know the series inside and out - coming here, they were pretty aware of the opportunity and what they could do. We did our research to find out what worked well, what people enjoyed about it - especially the first game." D'Astous also revealed that Deus Ex 3 would utilise Crystal Dynamics's Tomb Raider engine, last seen in this year's Tomb Raider: Anniversary. Don't expect the game any time soon, however - D'Astous noted that "because of the commercial pressure that developers and publishers have, many try to desperately crank up games within 12 or 15 months. We don't want to go that way - and we want people to know that - because we don't think it's a good decision in the long term". We'll have more on Deus Ex 3 as development continues.